California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) Presents
Additive Manufacturing the Evolution of 3D Printing Lunch 'N Learn
June 23, 2017 Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Hosted by FormAlloy: 2810 Via Orange Way, Suite A Spring Valley, CA 91978
This no cost event is designed to give the small and medium-sized manufacturer an overview of the current state of Additive Manufacturing, new developments in technology and new trends manufacturers need to be aware of. It will focus on real world technologies and how they can be used to help improve productivity and grow. Lunch will be provided.
About FormAlloy
FormAlloy's 3D metal printing technology utilizes Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) to create metallic parts to near-net shape, increasing the design envelope while providing a more economical solution than producing the same part with conventional methods. FormAlloy's 3D printing systems enable reduced machining time and nearly eliminate material waste, particularly with high-value materials. 3D printing parts with FormAlloy's process can provide design features that can’t be achieved with conventional manufacturing methods, such as internal cooling channels and multi-metal parts.
