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WINNER: FormAlloy ADF wins the 2019 Innovation Auditions Award at RAPID + TCT 2019

FormAlloy's Alloy Development Feeder (ADF) received the 2019 Innovation Auditions Award and was a semi-finalist for the Exhibitor Innovation Award at Rapid + TCT 2019 in Detroit, Michigan.

FormAlloy’s Alloy Development Feeder (ADF) enables rapid deposition of 16 different alloys or alloy blends in Directed Energy Deposition (DED) systems. Utilizing a revolver style motion, each powder vial can be accessed and deposited quickly and efficiently to significantly reduce time needed for alloy development. In addition to new alloy development, the feeders can be used to precisely deposit gradient materials on a layer-by-layer basis, enabling 64 various alloy compositions for a producing functionally gradient components.


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